
Welcome to the Official Blog for the Society for the Study of Visual Culture. Here you'll find information about the club, movie screenings, and any relevant announcements.

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Film Roster

Good evening folks- Just updating to establish the new Film Roster, effective Thursday, the 12th of February.

The following roster only dictates the films show on the respective Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 2-4pm, in S-6, and does not include repeat screenings of films, nor special screenings of select films.

With that in mind, here are your films!

And don't forget- admission is only $1 each! Bring your food, bring your friends! Come and enjoy quality movies with us here at SSVC.

-Executive Team, SSVC

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Movie Screenings- January 2009

Hola everyone, and Happy New Year! We're glad that you all stuck with us over the semesters, and we look forward to seeing all of you [and new people too!] during this semester!

So, to wrap up to gushy stuff, here is your Film Schedule for the Month of January! This month, we're trekking over to Asia to view the genius works of acclaimed Korean director Park Chan-wook.

  • January 20th @ 2PM- Sympathy for Mr Vengeance
  • January 22nd @ 2PM- Oldboy
  • January 27th @ 2PM- Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
  • January 29th @ 2PM- I'm A Cyborg, But That's OK
Keep your eyes peeled! Flyers will be up soon!